Home Gardening Advantages - Home & Garden

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Home Gardening Advantages

Saving Money and Your Sanity

Each year more and more people take up home gardening, some feeling the need to save money, garden in order to provide cheaper and healthier food for their families. Others choose home gardening as a way to relax, relieve stress, and provide their yards and homes with beautiful live plants. There are many different types of gardening and many good reasons to choose the garden.

A Wise Economic Decision

Let's face it with today's economy, food gardening is a wise economic decision. You can grow your own herbs, vegetables, and even fruit for a fraction of the cost you can buy them in the store, and the more space you have to garden the more money you can save. Many families literally shave hundreds of dollars off their grocery bills each year by growing their own food and preserving it. This food is healthier than store-bought goods, as well, because home gardeners often use organic growing for their food, which means no harmful chemical pesticides. They also can or freeze their food using fewer preservatives than can be found in-store produce. No matter how big or small your yard or even if you have no yard at all, you can grow some produce that will save you money. While those people who live in the country or have a large yard can grow enough food to feed their families all year round and thus save a ton of money on grocery purchases, those with small plots of land or even a balcony or deck can grow a few a simple vegetables. Vegetables such as tomatoes can be grown in a tub. People with no yard at all can enjoy home gardening by growing their own herbs inside in small spaces such as a window sill.

Some even grow miniature fruit trees in their homes. All these people find gardening enjoyable as well as economically saving them anywhere from a few dollars a year to significant savings. A Relaxing Hobby Other people turn to home gardening as a relaxing hobby. They find it a perfect way to relieve stress from their hectic jobs and really enjoy the feeling of getting back to simple basics. These gardeners enjoy growing everything from small flower gardens to prize-winning orchids or roses. One particularly enjoyable type of gardening for the hobby garden is Bonzai or bonsai gardening. Bonzai gardening includes not only the Japanese Bonzai but the Chinese Penjing and the Korean Punjab. Quite literally Bonzai means growing a tree in a pot. These miniature trees can be grown both inside and out depending on their size and provides for both an interesting hobby and an aesthetic result.

Special tools and techniques are needed for Bonzai gardening and those people who enjoy this type of gardening really enjoy the challenge of nursing these trees into the shape and style they want to create. For those looking to save money or for a relaxing and enthralling hobby then home gardening can be the perfect choice for you.

Dr. Ivan Wilson is a well-known social anthropologist in Birmingham also dedicates the rest of their life to the well-being of SOS Children Orphanage. He finds time to share his experience making other's life even better. Log on to his website for the latest feeds now; Home Gardening Tips [http://www.homegardeningjournal.com/planning_garden.html]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr._Ivan_Wilson/561130

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